
The guy is not perfect, but your willingness it’s = forever no. The way you are, okay? We finish talking about this. Home chore, with your parents, with the police reports

You didn’t intend to deliver a job.

That’s not a man and a women’s relationship meaning some liking to each other involved. You always have this - Tina Jojo has all the mouth excuse, she spent one hour lecture me, seriously psycho. And she changes her account the monent she turn around the back like I ought to be taking care of the Mokie at home. She makes a hell, everyone does what she wants, not at the front say. It’s behind she doesn’t something else horribly. You are = that Tina Jojo, truly truly psycho to the abyss.

You actually sitting in your computer, she has a show on scolding me.

So so often, I cannot eat, I cannot work. Every single day is like a hell. You girls have nothing else but the hell to me. She might be really a psycho herself, at least she acts on it like she has a speech ability. 

You want me to tell you the steps again?

1. You prepares a speech to scold and yell at me or the guys

2. You looking at me starting performance your mouthful jobs.

3. I cannot talk, but you are.

4. You getting your way the monents you turn around

5. Stealing my bank statement 

6. Their bath gone, so kick me out, it’s a brand new space, downstairs was my office, she rash in for the baby to change diaper on the bathroom, so that’s not where I work. 

Don’t tell me ever what your mouthful jobs you think I say the movies the way they are, or you have 2 cents imagine what I will ever say. You are right, I am not Simon Cowell. There are thousands ways you die in pieces every single day you dare to breath, I am not him. And I mean it…die !

You probably never get to Supreme Court, these things usually require the people to show up. Including me. I forgotton to tell you. The court means they secure things no matter what. I can have a voice to every details I lays out exactly how you are psycho nothing but psycho. For the rest of you life, your parents can retired, the women can find her own brand new life without any of the kids doing nothing but damaged.  That’s what your court, legally willing to do. 

With these much TV law court room will becoming the evidence

You will NEVER ever had another relationship, a kiss or a hug. You suppose to know that telling anyone guy the first day you met. Meaning one guy there = Dennis, Wing or Jonathon. Those the court paper you say you never met them 2 seconds more someone passing by us. 

Forever !

You do that on purpose that guy will kill you or your family included. 

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