
The reason you cannot heal people with all this methods, they have it all behind.

1) There is a microbiology, people do it on purpose to die.

2) They really really need to eat.

3) People's mood, the guys do becoming big fat giant guys too. The work load too much, their mood no one talk to. The guys are more quiet and they are the bad guys too.

And in that sense, you only have the current model, just taken the drugs til the day you die. You have nothing else to improve anything. You cannot be help. 

What is the liquid inside the stomach do?

Washing the stomach lining wall.

What happened after?

Intestine and colon has a certain structure inside to absorb the water and nutrition more on the liquid parts, or the any smaller things once digested. How you defined that digestion, meaning you eating those ASMR big piece of meat, the average time for someone to poo, supposed to be next day morning, once per day, I done 2 or 3 times a day, because recently I eat more than 1 full meal.

But solid food to becoming the poo = semi-solid, that process its breaking it down by the enzyme or the acid. 

If it didn't get break it down....your stomach still have to velvet opens, keep moving it on, that't all. Its not my will power, or you will power why the food don't get digest. 

Fat food included.

The basic definition of the stomach

You will never pass the board exam, in this snail rate how you reading all your text book MD 6+1 UB. That stomach is 攪動 meaning the muscle lining, secret the acid, and? Its not a container only. It has some kinds of the motion to keep your stomach moving the food to mix the acid to thoroughly hoping it will digest.

If you eating the fruits, the fruits are the sunlight energy, God divine...meaning vital food, with the alive enzyme in itself, you hope not the external skin expose so that is the chemical means.

You seeing those ASMR when those pimpo will die down, not just the karma speaking term.

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