
There are the American guys does things in life, there are European guys do things in life. Asian world, I am a girl.

Has nothing to do with this kinda....you all girls feeling like you touching a guy, to make a friend to this guy. The American guys don't have any this Aloha = Goodbye or Greeting types of symdron. Including the European I think they might all gays end up the nuclear crisis every single year, can end up on my desk. How their back up human die, my side, everyone dead. That is the end of the World. Without me even try ! 

I don't know if WHO supposes to fix that not everyone freeze to death to die over this chronicle situation they have no heating or electricity....many are the elderly people.  There are a lot of European people gone to Thailand, I told you before, or Australia. To anywhere sounds more South Temperature.

You need to make money to sound like a life time, you settle a correct orderly order. That is pension oriented, or the TV Susan, you all movie Lovely Bone reminds you, she says several things. I thought you all hating the guys til the point, at least listening the girl talking. How to save the money, how to truly manage your future, so when you are older, you can retire with the cease, not to worry about the money.

What I Anna had enough the last relationship, if these invisible guys I can just tell them going away, its really much easier life, I doing nothing but reading the internet, and figure it out my next move. I am not an upset person, or permissive attitude like you all, when I landing back here for very long time disappear from here. You have to come out a product, if you saying something interesting....I like to invent, that doesn't mean anything being seen, can be distribute, or putting on the negotiation table. Things fade out, things let go. The commodity in this world are so junk yard sale, I told you, its the fire department annual jobs, how to screening these commodity.

That is the material science. Someone has an incline, doesn't mean, the money just shows up on the day dream. Its a hobby, that is not a career.

You girls when I met you in the UB, you could just leave your life for a guy, that is my tiny opinion for you. After 20 years, it may never changed, since you are all seem to be established so well, everyone competing each other, did you see any one of you all here, including Youtuber, whom don't have a job? You might all having a debts as the girl parts, but you have an income coming in.

I need to stretch with my mother, that is all we got here. I don't need my brain to imagine....another Keanu Reeves? That was over in 2014. In case Simon didn't remember what it destine to becoming !


Does the guy just keep let you touching him? Without he or them waving your hand off, or move your entire body out of his radius? I move away that Dean's shaving creme faces, just like I am seeing all these Westlife, or Eben, or every guy showing up on the screen are with the beard. 

So strange. They usually mean a correct appearance.

Isn't that you all hear this social news, how the guys beating up...anyone a guy or a girl with or without a reason, you all girls just prefer you touching the guy first hand experience, or waiting or hinted to the guys, by slap his back, he will chase behind you? There must be all kinds of the tale I am telling you, how the psycho ends in every terrible friendship end.

Your hand, means you first act to the guys?

You wish the guys chase behind you, so the American culture its the girl has to hint the guys first, so the guy will realize to chase you?

Why don't you ask me how psycho ends that every fate, with or without seeing, I am blind on he TV!

One day you will aging...but do you know how the Johnson Johnson baby oil next by has a Johnson Johnson baby lotion? I keep sleeping inside my water days, or one day I losing my weight successfully....because you are not going to keep your hair, with all those stress + spicy food + fried food + salty + sugar (refine sugar ) + Ice cream...

Its baby vomit, and saliva, you never raise a baby. I did. My brother.

I didn't rinse my mouth for that reason....its just by the way, I am going to the bathroom for something, so just by the way keep rinsing the mouth. My waistline feeling reallly really bad with these food and the weight. I cannot get on 66 kg. It sits on my abdomen.

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