
This video is telling you a method, how the past sinner vow for eternity to go to each and every school lecturing all these Lalla Looking kids girls to becoming...this System point crucial moment to that Eternity love here they go.

That to make-up your one life time sin, nothing erase, but nothing get fumble. Everyone knows....you are on the wrong side, every humanity, every corner, every race.

In that, may your soul be restful one day, to that consciousness and consequence everything you done, were wrong One to millions. No matter what.

Your speech are as follow keywords:

"England has a current queen consort far away cousin ends up suiciding between a sin of 2 women, and a man. This is my life story, how today becoming your future only lesson you go away with your today's point......on, any decision you make.....Your name, is a divorced women at the age of 25+. At that time, as my life going as I planned, a Death coming to knock on the doorside. He meant the Time is up for the entire humanity I drag them all in...the buttom of the pitt hole. Its our instant noodles has nothing but the Green color on it, forever. To that legal standard points, the end results, its I getting what I want, including today I am standing here forever on as the leading voice. I get my height to the lover of my life, a kiss, or a meeting...the past forever impossible before the marriage that conclude a future for suicide to that someone. To that one person death, with the rest of the groups got affected by me, one single wish, one single kindness to my height adjust to that bone, were the most expensive lesson in my life be paid at. Insist the wished to be fullfilled, and insist everyone paying dearly EVER AFTER it. All this starting when I was in the middle school....about a height prayer. "

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