
Where do I see the head wraps? The Taiwan Hallo Kitty Booth, they used to be popular. You can check on-line, they have the song, its not expensive, you can just go tollken something for 10 mins, for finding that one song.

NSYNC is only one song I seeing that. I told everyone long time ago. But Seth, Dean, Silas, Bill and Patricks, those are real. We actually seeing each other with the UB ID photo. That is not a very nice thing to do whatever that happened NSYNC. Let me see if I find that per min showing you. I did seen it. They making the tour concert. I think its with the 512 Da Vinci Sacred Text Box spinning. 

I am so so so so tired to keep seeing the duplicate, triple, qudriple, and then Sex UFO, including Metro has a flower, and every story ending up there = David Jones Beard, or the Step one foot down, we are gone the White Locker.

I am so sick of it, the sky, the cloud, the birds, the Bible, including the Youtube everything sent in to me, its per second counting time, to my per agenda next frames in my pocket. Its not privacy invading me, if they just snatch it, but I guess it is. So I have to screen shot.

My nerves are over-loading.

And my seeing things are really going by per order right at the OU Language, not just once, twice, three time...keep going on in the Televisions news. 

Nonno, the other word is Nonna (Grandpa, grandmom) 

It is very strange to me. They saying a different English word, accent. They are in Dublin, that is a lot of human in the concert. They have how many city anyway on the map.

You know what I used to do behind my cabin? The picture behind those closet walls? 

Anymore this bug, raccon, paws on my keyboard next by...real Paws, my shower place above, its shift all by itself, and I know there is a Seth UFO somewhere....

Its I put the smaller pillow on the wall to show the entire world, wherever I land, I will kill every single one of you, I ending up this I finding the Truth the monent was OU 2014. 

There is a karmic law I know = if I open my mouth, solving anything, I will be shifted to somewhere I can never interfere someone's karma...and the reality its only left !!!

The garbage per 10 order x 2, one of them is on my roof.

My Mother is a helmet without, the ET.

I tell everyone, don't get here.....I have no idea whom to call.  We are W Two world one interface apart. I did more than knockinig that windows, or PC, or IPad.  My bathroom is that NSYNC at it. ~~my bed were 2 bed, exactly like the NSYNC.

When I was so stress, my entire forehead, just glooming so dense covered. So stress out for me.

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