
You are very very often cluster your face in, meaning squeez your eye sight with your eye brow, or you deeply bothered, or angry, to frown your eyebrown, that entire face line nose, muscle, cheeks, are strangle squeeze into your nose region....

You are not relax, to that entire body below, jaw, do you ever open your jaw bigger enough to wash the upper lining of the gum muscle? Open up the top lips? 

Your water pipe.....never filter....at. 

Sometimes you seeing less inept human does inept things, you will sound like somewhat musical, melodious...meaning lighter mood, not your entire face lines, internal nose, to that eyebrow, you cluster that entire face in.

Anyone looking at you.....even if you smile open your mouth two side lips...open up....wider, your entire face line would not have becoming...your karma, really.

You want to use your 2 palm
Open up your entire face? Inside outter expansion? Inhale deeper, straight your back.F


Opening your 5 finger, both hands?

Both 10 toes, open expansion wider, wider, wider....stretching its out?

Including use your finger to pull your 10 toes below.

Straight up, inhale deep again.


You are the sad human, inept, impaire, in the mood, low IQ, melancholy....blue...

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