
๐Ÿฅญ You girls have this tendency = a formula ๐Ÿฅญ

You get very very very nervous, a guy in front of showing up, and you speaking the first word to him. It might be the Hollywood Culture, you practically just love every opposite guy, in their height, in their openness to talk, you just directly fallen in love.

You rehearsal words

You rehearsal in front of the mirror

You spent money on the cosmetic, not your eye sight

This is a very very strange things to me, because I am a girl, so I understand how inclination you suppose to lean toward the guys. I didn't go and imagine I fallen in love to every guy? They all have a girlfriend I forgotton to tell you in UB. They are too tall.

The inclination where you say you fallen in love with the guys, means you don't go and argue him on the first sentence, he looks into your eyes, you for some reasons are fallen in love with him for abcdefg, he made up his excuse reasons. He might be documented too.

So in that schooling year, to you pick a major to staying in that major hopefully to graduate, your combine hours or email, or skype, as if he will EVER reply to you with one line. You two never talk, he never tells you things, you never have this "Me Anna will tell nick what these entire UB situation per incident on the movies, I don't care he understands whom name and what, its so South at him.". He still replies. So I keep telling him per situation. I don't care I sent him unlimited message, and he only gets online by those birds, he replied me he received. 

That communication is = another formula

There is something between if Dean message me, he doesn't get a response until next hour. I am sitting home doing nothing, I wait one hour for him to know I care that much. One day that day 24 hours, he only received one line, that one line its like...."you will reply? " Calculative done.

Dean never replied, or same thing on the Facebook. I might be click on someone's facebook, those liking buttom or heart, or something, their notification might 5 things checked. I show up that day. Most time you should imagine I am there 24 hours to that every stream, but usually I am not.




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