
You have any other jobs you are more comfortable doing it without the line and square?

Writing a revenge novel? 

Like ....in Progress to the alignment to the Center of the Galaxy, those words? 2012 or 2000. Those known as the biblical prophecy, people making money on it.

Re-adjust, re-align, re-calibrate, shaken the timeline, what is between you and I, you and me....Never ending the same evolution, Life after life? These are your words? In accordance, to your writing layout, the stacks of pamphlets, the parchment paper, the old stationary, rolls or inks, or flower padel, scent and fragment, antique, or Classic, current or the Past?

The memory trigger, or fumble and falls.

Its by image process, or its by words literacy sounds....because you are not going to show up to your every back seat of your Ella Enchanted Ever Live After. Everyone has one time those they happy marriage to eternal....saying. Ever happy ever after....One of those?

Coming going, left to right, fallen to repent, return to redeem? One of those every words in your Bible sounds like redundant? "It has happened......".

You reading those New Age, how you define the 21th century ever since the year after 2000, is that including the year 2000, then 2001? oh ~~ we are 20 years pass. Is there other language involved, French, Ancient Chinese?

燦爛的微笑、浮華一夢、梁山伯與祝英台、天涯海角的追逐、一明輪月、山水川河、孕育生命流向、詩約: .....

I have to go to nap...

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