
ABC cooking studio 101, Taipei 101 !! How wonderful ….you imagine I imagine whom you had SMTV mars human MC? Master this master that, one of those?

Okay, sit over there reflect, how guys CAN ever ACT! Without the dignity Master this MASTER THAT! Those are the basic human speaking the ENGLISH, THEY had a problem understand ME !

Is this I ever you gonna wear a heel next by one of that Mongolian kid to where this 中華一番 tell me…why I scream? You gonna with her and that tall Hailey walking UP the stage one step

One step

Jump down one step with your heel to? Pick up the food ingredient?

SHUT UP!!! 🦅🦅 you want your white dog coming in? Your dog is not my dog, you want to bribe him now? That might really really end ON THE television screen !! ALL OVER the universe ~~!

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