
Adam Hailey (Taiwan Youtuber ) - Missionary

You are not sure you be apart to these less fame on those 2 separate ways of a new land, a new missionary, this time without your parents or with a jailing records? Each parents with a full load family members + neighbors same MD supports that 

1. You try to lifting the humanity in that Bible you open you hold to sounds one tiny decent words that everyone lost their monituzation schemes Monday to Friday, so you have one Saturday.

2. Religion cannot be lost forever but the human attention to their only cares things just like you 2.

3. That Bible yours contains more than 5000 years wisdom you use on 200 years May Flower history to trying sound literate on a constitutional laws on Ten - all freedom right.

4. Do you know what’s a missionary that not ending up everyone saving you behind?

5. You given the soul, the needs, the supply, the medical attention to the local. 

6. It doesn’t matter it’s Taiwan South or anywhere else as long as the human head counts. 

7. Adam gets a new gf face, you Hailey gets too heart take to those faces or to eager to get rid of the guys?

8. Quaintance the soul that the God’s living water, do you even read your own very Bible, the international version Bible?

9. There are the human miserable life …

10. With everything they care about the faces just like you 2.

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