
Correct, a lot of the guys' opinion, I seeing on the Youtube. I think that is what they mean. No, I never really ask the guys.

Everything I look on the internet. 

Most time, if you get a stable happy jobs, and your only aim its the money, to strive almost identical to some guys, you can just take off, if they say no. You leave, or you stay a little whilte, because your money sustain you doing all that. You being fair to that relationship, to the guys, or to the responsibility, or intent wishing well....so on so forth. Or just really need to asking them clearly.....You don't find things out, until you get there?

Sometimes a relationship means real. You having the same money, the same idea why to keep a profession so keep making the money? Any direction of the financial gains? 

A communication on that. So if both party retreive the right reason, you don't go and argue with a guy. So many girls just cry and leave. I becoming another, I get used to that already. You are a civilized world. In case the guys have to have the kids, the same thing, prepare him some extra clothing, extra washing, extra food making for the next day fridge. Sometimes the guys have to fight with their previous situation, you don't stay there, just leave? Yeah, I prepare my mind on that.

You wishing him well. You know how to organize a fridge? Devil Wear, you can make 2 dozen, or some food trick games some guys teaching you on the Facebook? The maple syrup eggs. 

So you marinate all that for him or he next day has to fight on his life, you leave?

But you ensure that him or everyone else have a strength on the stomach, to go and fight on it.

oh ~ I don't want to get involved anymore this.  It never ends.

You can just being nice, not standing there doing nothing.

One extra pillow case to switch, washing the bathroom, one more time, the sink. Make the last night food, in the container to warm up, he can eat it in the oven, when that is ready? You know tiny things for that day. Whole day he can sustain himself.

I used to leave on every monday. 

What a hell worlds he ever made me living through.

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