
Dr. John R Christopher - Eye recipe



Here are the formula, that above is one single herbs


Cayenne pepper again. https://www.herballegacy.com/Cayenne.html

This is the gun wound, can be stop bleeding, home cooking spice!!! 

I didn't study every herbs, but these formula practically just copy and paste, how you seeing the Pinterest. You have to love to doing that, making the tonic, be very very clean, everything. Maybe its called the tincture.  Its a washing solution both for the external application and internal intake, drinking it down. The same solution.

You are so busy, so you use one of those amazon product, the capsule, to be honest, that capsule can be open, to eat it without the stomach extra force to digest that tiny capsult, I care about it? But that herbs if they mix right, its a formula you can open it, and apply the external wound, if you don't have anything else? You never use your hand doing this tear and wear, open and close? 

What is the difference the synthetical drugs or herbs?

Synthetical drugs are a pure form of pain killer, and anti-imflammatory. Meaning cease the pain, or the infection immediately. But it hurts kidney and liver very badly. They are purely purely chemical formula drugs.

Where is the herbs are on maintainese, nutritional take, and they kill the parasite, and clean the blood stream the blood works. But you doing that day after day, months after month on the maintainese idea, not really.....you saying the drug effects? Its a maintainese nutritions ideas.

The herbs are the food, you can take as much as you swallowing it down, nothing happened to you. The drugs you cannot.

Most guy's mind are serene.

No talking on the phone, no chatting this so loud, like so noisy, you all...so hellish really. No one can rest. You go argument with the guys, you can just touch and feel sounds like you done this hundred thousand time on the same procedure you are doing it.

I hate those giggling, bimbo stupidity....nothing but chaos, your father, your mother, ....

You have to roll the sleeve, check the temperature, asking him, everything all right, want to keep sleeping, or get up watching some TV, or want to walk? Breathing some air deep breathing exercise. How do you watch a human he doesn't know how to do a thing to every step run things smooth? Your interval to that recipe book its 30 mins, meaning he has to go to pee, not keep sleeping, to get up continue this whole day before 8 oclock. That is mechanical.

He scared, he feel unsure, he feels some noise in the background, explaining per details, not giggling laugh. 

Or applying some oil, some cream, check some ligment.

None of you doing anything in your life, through that medical south campus school, and eating junks on those table. I already told you what they written behind...UB nursing, UB meds the same things.

You know there are arms below lymph stuffs? the guys jumping often?

You all girls helping each other, sound like the right things to begin, you are home in bind to your chair really with the blanket on Top or those are the eye glasses?

You can see in the dark where his sleeping mode, or he cannot see, you watch where he going to that bathroom or move close to there, not watching the PC or reading? He on his own?

You clean the bathroom often often after he pees? Just every time how many interval for 3 days that is 30 mins per interval? You have no other choice but keep doing that. The patience last, keep doing it.


I doing all these stuffs myself. I am not the dying type. 

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