
Dream Exchange Games

Want to "like" or "thumb up this video"? No, its not mine video. You have one small voice memo, one small video introduction similar to those SMTV, on Dr. Steven Hairfield, how the author's field are about 2 mins in front. There, you will be listing your books title, the combination books. 

You feeling pressure to all the existing authorship in the field? The Current market including that Dr. Gabriel Cousen or Bashar? 



Do you understand what is that one click?

Like if your parents near by, or bf near by click on your own video? Its called the relevancy to how this SEO, it is what it known as the optimizing the search engine, and Youtube its the directly under that Google when you saying how you optimize that, or customize your own very personal website "other than" handing out your own very business card to near by, or seminar, or at any grand event, you networking, its your personal talking to, how many people can you go and shake hand, and handing out your own very cards? Your business card with your own website, selling your own books.

So you might be start reading this one word, called "SEO" - Search Engine Optimization.

You just didn't know what that is.

The smallville in the morning

These are like a story board, you insert a music, you put a story like a frame to frame. These entire things, you will probably call them "the media", not those news channel. Mp3, mp4, Mov, how you process the digital format on those per files you collect behind. Usually if you are the only one person running all that, you are headache.


They are not the robot readable when you putting that online.

Its the text, usually they saying like txt file....a pure word processing site. Less than the image or the video. They probably find out most people don't listen or watching the video if that exceeding the amount of their attention span. Might be 7 second you have.

One of those they did the statistic.

Not mine site right now. I mean you will be using your own very site, I won't even know about it.

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