
Every single time, when I seen a video, I just about to scream every single face I seeing inside the 4 points frames!

Every single time, never failed ! You know when I started this Seth things coming in, its after 5 Lords reviews. So that entire year, it I write it down, the same time the Victoria Secrets sent in. It start be so bad. I cannot stop typing, every degree thing I record.

You ever seen those Atlantis Sci-fi. Its every degree this Mars, how that Backstreet Boy, to Westlife If I Let you Go, there are only certain video sent in. I cannot open it. I was told I cannot open things, its by per degree stop, I record that entire booklet

Disappeared too! Slam Dunk combine. Its per degree mins, of all these TV, per mins to that second records. They are mix to the script. For example, Flower Thousand bone Stop this min, to next Slam Dunk stop at this min.

Every single time I seeing that Seth, I just didn't scream how far how wide.

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