
Gossip between your whole week watching 你們的飯局休閒等時間 ...


The commericial = 廣告之後

I seen this guy (I think...), oh I know whom she is. Ella. yeah. I was talking to Square why she was not that capable really 我說我堂妹那時候沒有太多能力的關係 ! 我知道那個男的是誰,這個女的我知道 。


He is a Korea band group, a guy. I don't know if that is him with the other, or just him. He married to the Super Model Number 1, today on our news, where our Taipei Major surgeon just got retired from the First University. He is the MD looks like Hank in W Two World.

The things is, her news were after that his big annoucement to everyone today on the TV.

There is a reason I saying how this becoming my TV right now, after I review my own material. oh....Ella she is the S.H.E. The more boyish person, she had some romantic TV I used to watch in 2010. 

I know whom she is. Usually when you portrait enough like her role, you know what the girls are imagine inside their own head, never end. That is why he is there looks like. Yeah ! 


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