
I personally think your time are short, okay?! Not I am not being nice about it. When you really really really focus on a work, or a job, you look different, you strive things different. You could have a bf or no bf, no one knows the difference.

At this junction time, you have to deliver how you come up a job. Meaning a future. You might seeing all this TV, and going out with a guy, or the family members. They lie from A to Z looking at you from the guy's perspective. You think they make money, and they will nourish you from the first date to the 3 months ends. He always makes you believing that, and you really mean it.

That is....what you do to the guys. You take it he doesn't care about the money counting methods. The digit, the math...you think he is your parents since the grade school, taken you to the lunch/ You buying the gifts for him? Or a card, or something nice decent? Whatever your ambition trying to present all these Kitchen scene.

I never get the invitation, you all planning on it? Prepare at it? Anxious? Believing in it? I mean you really believe the Judge showing up, or you really believing it, they receive the tape? Do you want to message to them NOW. Saying...you are waitng waiting waiting to hope and pray, they may or may not seeing the tapes, or at that real audition grounds? 

Let me be remembered where was my audition places at.

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