
I see horror, when I seeing some interviews. I would think most guys are genuine......and they are.

So I will tell you I see horror.  All of it. They are nothing like that. 

I don't know how to describe to you. I see horror. Its a long time I look at FRIEND, or all this interviews. When I left 2014 those Keanu TV, and he talks very little. He is very very mild type. So I never seeing any other kinds of the human on TV.

Then being with some guys behind....you know how the "couple" conversation supposes to be? So now its passing 2022 even.

This is 2023, its everything horror in front of my faces ! I am not sure what to tell you. I am assuming that?

I am not sure what to tell you. 

I watch TLC, those home interior design. Those kinds of the show I watched. Or Ancient Chinese. Its all the girls talking not the guy? The many wifes?

I watching the movies. Like some kinds of the English conversation between the guys like on the business. Not the real show or the talk show, or the interview questions....

Like the individual interviews, or they were year 2000 interview. No, the recent one they look fine to me, I think 2019. But there are some other interviews, more like a TV show format. Not the Internet type.

The real main stream those TV back in Time. 

Well, there is an internet some talking show too. I just tell you, I see horror.

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