
If Half population = women to be more mild ....in your character building. 4 Stoves its to help you in every way in the organization thoughts.

Saving the money, do the math.

Always on the look out the opportunity and do the math.

You girls if keep going on a certain routes, you becoming very very rigid and harsh degree, no one can breath. I cannot laugh, I cannot do a lot of things because you say so, they say so, and that is not a life I want to be in it.

If you like the guys, you want to go up and talk with your mouth truely open. It doesn't matter its the boyband, or the UB within this....once of a lifetime you get to know a guy's response. 

"If under the circustance of ABCDEFG.....is that what you guys will say, or that is Anna really say?"

1. Being with a guy, touching is before the sex. That is the skin surface touching another skin without the down part, your period pain, and all that. You hold hands, has to be washing your hand not to touch any public utility, or outside, or in the car....he doesn't wash, you vaccum the entire space and time !!!! Being with someone, the micro-level of many things, you just have to live in the water all the time. Soap and the water. 4 limbs NEVER stop washing, soaking, because you girls have most time, and the most excuse, including putting a guy head to toe inside the bath tubes and scrub, whatever it takes. Finish the cleaning up. 

2. Kissing is not sex, still the more this liquid part, tissue, gum are the transporting on the surface. If your entire mouth rinse nothing but just water flowing speed like the facet Tape water, the guy will ever touch its the tape water, not your mouth? You don't think that is the wonderous perfect work you do? 

I start to using this dental floss when I come back, when I require to eat the ...City Food. These food, by per dental floss line, its by degree the teeth vertical cm ? Not in Inches.

1 inch = 2.54 cm.

So by cm, its smaller. You know why they design that surface? To that every teeth, what do you eat, the meat, or raw meat, or what BBQ sauce? Sweet and Sour sauce or spicy sauce?

I don't eat those things, but I can tell you, my mouth teeth when I get up, becasue I still eating the process food, that is every time I eating a food down, I am inside my bathroom. Right now, there is no real guy....that is not exaggerating for my face value, really. You never been with a guy, you don't wish he thinks you have a bad breath? Improve it?

If your life really improve the things with him in life, I don't see why he will say anything ill about you behind. No matter what that is.

If the facet water rinsing your mouth inside, outside lips, to near the nose included...these entire area, its where the air, bad air going in, including the most external surface where people talk to, aiming the air your height, talking to....you just keep washing it, by PER surface degree. You have no other way doing that.

When I am home, because now its more leisure time, I can bath, or with the water just when I like, I need to warm up the 4 limbs. Do you ever thought about what is per degree skin inche to per volumn or the total cells? You cannot washing until it gone out of the waste forms !!!!!! 

You gonna be with a guy ....you have to deliver that basic sense including to the guy, washing his entire woredrobe, floor, pillow cases, furry....what things on the ground anything. It has to deliver that way. If you and the guy cannot afford, you cannot be in a relationship, you need to make money fast, the math fast, the brain fast. The correct attitude fast.

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