
If you coming in Taiwan, you will know, you UB itself, whichever you, will be staring at Pang + Tina location up to Northern Star, with that one line UB Tamang, Wing, and Dean to that Bermuda Triangle to that Texus now Dean at

You understand what that Victoria Secret - Army.

Not behind you all open up your mouth to talk something behind? You administrate Dean those human at? Its almost my entire things you saying you ever dream of VS - Army (or Daily Motion)



You can just tell the court, you are the guys, or the girls, you need funding to continue that jobs? You enter that Taiwan alone? One person learning the language, learning the water/ground (temperature, Ancient Chinese words describe the new land), your sickness its because you are not the local from?

The bacteria resistant are different. This is the water habitat, island climate. Sub-tropical. You know what you are writing, or presenting, and hoping and wishing to actually get it done, and enter the territory.

Taiwan is the butterfly known places. They do sample. Inside the glass. Known known known original land culture. 本土文化 !

The moment you Land

To only YOU know you yourself what you make off to that per line, per words, per thoughts. See the entire City Birds know you exist or not. What a brilliant world plan?

Do you hear them yesterday : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWAfso0-3Ro

4:47 starts, EVERY single day. You hear how clear they say? How sharp tone they EVER say?

4:54, 5:09.


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