
In other words, let's say the Corperation didn't fail on every insurance company like the bankcrupcy means. And there are people working in there, 1 year, 2 years to 5 years to 10 .....on and on.

In case those things might be real.

These people's personal space isn't the cooking cullinary skill entwine, but a very cold cut business venture to that personal breathing space are none. Same its the music skill, same is the vocal audio made, the demo made, the works to launch a success in the real commodity world.

The girls often ending up in the teaching jobs, because its really just by the theory saying. But for NASA, its another format of the Corperation, not really hired, but cannot really throw away, you know what I mean? Some people cannot hold the stress to be in those jobs, but its glues at their ghostly windows, til they see the eyes sparkle? 

When you finding some supports in the future, if those court given you all this girly festivity in those kitchen ground, because every home appliance were....made so homey felt, its something you farmilar, including the seen girls face, the women faces, I am not sure if they include some guys in it....if those were true, so you seeing the celebrity.

Some people living in the cold cut military delivery jobs, to that Corperation methods will tell you, while you are on your breathing space to look more happy for everyone else....the real skill when that high tech anticipating worlds are all by the human behind combine brain to figure it out a possible future, no matter its an entertainment fun games, or really the high tech design....oh ~~you never read anything so you never thoughts what instrument or device might exist in one of those unknown worlds.

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