
Maybe you accumulate your IQ brain power, to how to write the correct lawsuit, and seeing if you make the money just on these IQ problems my major were not in it.

Then you collect all those money, to say Hi for you all to that Simon Cowell here you go. Or any of the single or 2 people or groups of the bands, whichever they are not aged, for your personal selfish reason. In case you also saying Hallo to my boyband CD cover. 

Maybe the Washington D.C will tell me why I keep gaining weight, and get me a trainer, to slim down I used to be. Really. 

Your ultimate purpose is to proven those boyband groups, or when you like, how you like, whatever you like. You mean hurting them, or saying the things the way it is. I didn't get into the music lyrics. Simon didn't tell me. He doesn't know where I gone? I have a gazillion things other than his stuffs?

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