
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Message

Brian McFadden

💝💖💕🤗💯💗💖 I used to hear Boyzone from Andrew Webber 50 years anniversary, my sister High School Music academia here. We are so far away from each other ! May that Christmas merry and great wonderous of all that New Year, to what coming to shall lasting forever peace, be may all dream fullfill and come true. Happy Holiday, New Year Cheer ~ Jao Anna


Kian Egan

🥰😘🥰😍😘😘😘😘 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you. Welcome soon to Taiwan Trip to all you groups. Wishing you all late that Christmas Spirits during those concert, and finding that path to the great future to assure, and to endow all undone Past, to where the future lays, its all that Great and Good, shall that May Peace finds each within, and with that Lights God's promises and land, its shall every day be our prayers, forever and ever lasting. ~ Merry Christmas Kian !


 Mark Feehily

😍😍🥰🥰🥰😍😍🥰😘😘😘😘 Happy to know that you getting back to health and soon to be on the Asian tour. May that Christmas Spirits and New Year atmosphere never stain that exhuasion in life, and may you and your friends to that larger greater good, with all soon pass of the Time used-to-be, kindle all that Light made by God's grace and shall health, peace, harmony, you find that every day that showering upon you, were the root of all that life given to you, and so that in life, you may never feeling defeat to all that conquering the Greater merits to the Past, shall becoming the future of that brighter Dreams. Merry Christmas Mark ~~~Jao Anna


 Shane Filan

 💖💝💯🤗💕💗🤗🤗💝 Merry Christmas Shane ! Its so great to see that I used to have an album of all your CD that made on line after this Digital Era begins. So long away from the world to get back in, and that 10 years pass so soon. May that later Christmas cheer and New Year Spirits be forever endow in your optimisticism in life. That Asia soon to begin all your past works, I have listening a quite few myself. How that breathing space to sound O2 concert. To that far distance with that long remote traveler, its I wish you and your family, to all those around friends and associate, a greater greeting to undone - with all that New Year to begin a greater resolution how life all we embark to that common knowledge to unity, I sincerely wish you all a greater part of life, to all that seem up and down to life, past, present or the future, may that courage be forever found in you, and let that God's light shine forever to bestow upon your every day in your diligent works. I am a chemistry major and Librarian science. That will be the American National Archive. I sincerely wishing you all that wall I sent my path to all that remote to unknown, may that one day, how shall ever be the friendship begins, it was never less be upon, how between that Heaven and On Earth, that rejoice forevermore. Happy New Year to Westlife and you Shane ~~~!!!!


💖💝💕💯💗Merry Christmas Nicky !!! This is the backstreet boy, and I leave Brian to the message at Boyzone. How that New Year atomsphere greeting never end from that politeness, I come here to send all my well wish, you and your family, friends, associate and all else invovled. To that and from that sincerity, it seems a very very long time has passing that between two of us. So that on screen to that behind, we all living each other different life, and some, that may passing a flip moment to that decision making. I wasn't thinking all that without missing ....May the joy to that Christmas Past to that shall God new created New Heaven on Earth, that timely New Year such as how we found each other path, treading mill to that unbounded, the spirits that unperished, that let every voice unheard, to that New Day forward, may all of us be led with God's grace how each seemingly unreachable will be the touch that line, between love to the Past, and What's new to the future. Happy New Year grows one year wiser ~ Jao Anna


National Archive  (Washington D.C. America)

Wishing you all Merry Christmas, I used to supposed to Intern here during my MLS program study from the 5 Lakes. How the time pass to the new future begins. Its a long time since last time I leave a message to how the progression to the reminded works are proficient at. Just to stop by to tell you, not done. Wishing you all a greater merits of the future coming, may that light of the God's shining upon, may enter each of our hearts, and may that success and all that wonderous of the new future will shine light upon all that your endeavor you do. Its not I cannot get it done. It did begins, but .....Wishing you all that New Year and the Past Christmas to the cheerful spirits, its so entwine in each other's separate works, I shall find out what lay ahead that....trying to tell you, statue on check, not just in progress undone.😍🥰😘😘


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