
SMCH whatever the video, or those occasion, where people be courteous on God....its someone for something, for some purpose, to elavate people with their good thoughts, a real firm solitude action for the investor pouring the money in.

For their basic fundamental trust that, part of that is for the service to humanity. Those are not her doing, not her intended to do, not her efforts to really meant it doing it. Between the guy's world, or the girl's world, there are a lot of difference. You never brought up a kid, or a girl, or a guy in that standing to ask them, to look at them, to imagine what they want in their life. You didn't care enough.

When a guy mix in a pack of the guy's real domination power and regime world, they almost are one of those, they replacing their father the moment they can. So when people trying to leash Simon, or unleash to Simon, at Simon, with whichever story of his birth Father, onto in which event? Even becoming this, that, this seen, and that seen....you didn't really really care enough.

You don't care about Simon, you don't care about that Shane.

When I gone to Simon that was 10 years ago. Long time ago, I don't even know he exists or not, everyone's personal life, has this up and down. That genuinely, the real history ending up at Keanu Reeves, so at that time, something happened, I told both party A to Z, including that SMCH has an OU language. You imagine you just didn't tell anyone, when you acquire that piece of information you cannot process. 

For that courtesy, I never even think what is that your brother and Shane ....until yesterday. Not before. If something didn't trigger me, I won't even think of it. Its SImon's company, its' Keanu's company I gone first on the invention, at least telling them about it?

At the professional people, there are full of the room people, that also including the Hobbit idea, meaning the IT Giant, I say A to Z. A lot of things its at the understanding, you don't go and swapping around, the moment I seeing something?

There is a work part, there is a romance part.

Meaning is that with a guy you deciding to go forward, or its your career you going forward. You didn't care enough what the feeling the guys meant to you, or his life, or anyone around his life including his company, or land, or basic paper works to file A to Z. You can just be polite, and genuine on many level without getting involved. 

To a lot of the guys

You can tell them, you really don't know, not you on purpose knowing it, and doing something behind their back.  Every kind of the guys if I remember where I used to gone to, their personality its you should be dead in many level, not just this Top bracket guys. You are not just having the issue = you don't care enough.

Me Anna has a work =I never talk about it anymore. Meaning....I started with a genuine work, without the history to go and telling him. oh~ I can pretend all that not knowing what their brain IQ at zero?

You all girls conclude, me and you girls looking the same. No, we are not the same.

Not the work.

Not the professional thinking how to make that work.

Not the verbalize just telling them, things ought to be why I doing this and that.

Not the training, you just VOLA entire you "think", that is how you doing things on the paper A to Z.  I saying that 10 years, I never end saying all that.

With these Top bracket GUYS or GIRLS, you put the money sign in front, like you meant it you have a career. That is not your career everyone can see okay? You don't have a career.

The comedian is not a career. They eliminate those age people long long ago.  They are the talent agent themselves. oh ~ that was over long time ago. You won't be still there standing if they meant they doing their job to spot you if just as soon as Anna telling everyone you all exist. There is a reason they put the girls on the television if for any reason they be there. 

In the real real real real real guy's world, okay?

Everything has a proper method doing it. Their IQ is the domination species that happened how everything has to end up on the GUY"s table, okay? I don't want to hear anymore this SMCH or any girl they making it themselves all the way on the TOP BECAUSE, you girls imagine its real. Its not real. You don't have the permission of the guys supporting you forward, you don't have a life, or that career, especially that very very very front cover like between Simon = England and US alliance saying.

England and America are always always the ally situation.

oh ~~that is completely completely different nature at all. How stupid someone brain are dead IQ at zero, really. 

The day you finding things out, the day you processing it. You didn't have to saying it all the stuffs. They know why or how, so you stop !!!!

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