
Some people really don't care about these games....really.



This world Its Corperation to sound like the money scheme

Its not really how you keep an office, really how you organize per file, to per location, to per math, per item lists, to be exactly perfect when you hand in the government. They really don't care how you hand them in, as long as its perfect.

1. How many books you say you print, to how many you sale, and be on tax. There is no such things the island does not exist. I haven't disappear. 

2. The Crown can disappear, but not the Money, Bank, or Infrastructure anyone built up something so there are the civilization going on and on.

3. There is the education how proficiency you deliver with your fame, that is my choice.

4. But geographic location how to monitize an entire Backstreet traveling on Past...that is the knowledge and not by schematic, its just you see a map, you say where were the past River Stream, to that fresh water resources.

5. That every business, to those human resources, are just meant how you manage them in those Corperation methods, then have none, other than the accountant or the lawyer, I really think the minimum, they suppose to be law, or by my math, it will be me final reviews to per math per sheet, per saying.

6. How the math rising to the Top, I already shown you every degree of it.

To Continue the yesterday talk and add-on.

The Lawsuit 553: https://194un003.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-553.html

Here is the situation need to be added. I am very sure some are looking at it.  These 2 events started at 1) A confrontation  2) 2 human on fight started near the cliff.

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