
Student Union Stair, to that UB Alumni. I was in APO and CAC, then we move CAC meeting place to that humanity building, but next by its the music then going all the way there...

Its UB Alumni

We have a lake structure, but not that shallow. We cannot touch the water. Not really. Its a pillar structure. These are the UB scene?

Between where?

The UB SA Stair to the South Lake (Dean at)?

Over there are only grass area. Big grass places. Big big big....to all the way South Lake? You have some building structure. The public performing art center.



The Evolutionary Biology?

Silas? Stair down?

The UB Capen front Bus Stop.

The Evolutionary biology Lab? Seth he fainted in the Evolutionary Biology Lab? We dissection things....wa hahahahhaha !!!

THis is not one of those Holloween CAC did stuffs under the Moonlight, its at night.

Where would Jonathon to be at? Train trek?

The UB Library name Lockwood.


No, I don't have any umbrella when I was in the America. You mean Asia has the unbrella? I will be Left hand. Seth he is not left hand, I don't think so. Whatever it is says here.

Including the phone, or the umbrella. Correct. A lot of things I am left hand. Just like the writing right hand.


I got a grey metalic car - Nissan Altima. Isn't American human always has a car, not the motorcycle. You all having a driving liscence. 

South Campus - Tops? Behind my house. You mean what I buy, or the head decorated pin? I have a curling iron, I don't remember I had put any small tiny things on my hair in America? Your American are the Hollywood human at?

No, I don't use the key chain? A guy using a key chain? Those are the kids ? I probably have a key chain. True. Not that kind. Something more like those metalic or round or something looks right?

I have the American bag. A backpack.

I have the pillows, just not the stuff animal. My mother bought me some very design color pillow. I seen this which Seth coming into Jame's house through the windows. That is impossible. that is the second floor. 

家慶? He was one day at his motocycle. At night. I walking in front of him pass by. Never talking to this guy. Not really in person.

This is not one of those whom...to whom, needs to go and shopping from the head to toe things you use, you think, you imagine?

You are all very exhausted in life. If you have a lot of the loans, and the extra billing. Just to hear that, someone without any of that, I will tell you. I save my money starting to use nothing when I was in UB. I didn't borrow anything extra, or buying one thing extra.

This Comet thing I purchase, only what I can afford limited. Not one thing extra.

The mentality when you have a huge debts, to watching this, or without a debt, watching this....to then you imagine a brand new life without these debts. You are not supposed to be accumulating a debt to start any talk. 

It will be the biggest of anything to anyone's faces when you seeing the TV drama. I will tell you that. Try not associate that to how much the bank hide. I mean the literally you having per monthly pay and pretend to be standing in front of other people to go shopping? 

I don't really know you all debts problems. Unless you all be honest to the police, the whole classroom, and the police let me know through the courts, that is a correct amount, I have no idea what are these movies saying about.

I will tell you the most realistic views, its 1) debts 2) foreclosure, when you losing your home.

I repeat that foreclosure a dozen times by now. Not just the debts issue. Any time any related TV, if showing up a classroom, its the debts people hide behind their eye and brains to think....a lot of different things than those whom don't have the debts.

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