
That is where you make the money, so you find the food right....sometimes it can save a lot more money at home...and cleaner, anything he swallow it down, not I have anything to do with it!

You have to have a career to make the money, sometimes what you really can handle your life, just like your professional life, kinda of?

How to run a home with my mother, I still working on the desktop? okay, I used to never demand on the girl being a guy, because of their statues, you suppose to be demand really deliver anything with everything, because they have a much higher aim, a much better choice?

Your physical health

Your diet

Your appearance, your hair, your skin tone, your overall talking skills?

Your career, your organization skills / boxes / stationary / sorting files- How?

You know there are a lot of the things combine, you saying having no background, meaning the family has no inherited money for? You have to make it under the Capitalism. 

With nick, I didn't go out to work, I used to say, I stay on the motion to deliver a lot of the jobs, just not the front cover jobs? You are not in the most....using other people position to imagine "a demand" or "an obligation".

The guy's real character are different from the girls.

I will tell you that, unless you are really being together, you never knew what it means the guys or the girl being together, just 2 people doing things, whom care how many times I change that pillow cases the way I want?

How many my own bank statement I print it out, highlight, or dated on written formats, I cannot see it?

Whom cared how I sort my stationary, that is my own office, if I purchased a home? Whom cared how many alcohol wipe boxes, only I care those stuffs. Sometimes you teach the guys stuffs little bit little. That is how you live together as the 2 people's life?

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