
That story its about 2 Party has the money to 懈逅, its a Chinese Romantic saying when two people meeting that Fate meeting.

Adam, my side, doesn't have money. For the correct mind set, its the girl no matter what that is, you make the money to your full pocket. Then you decide where you love would be. It can be any guy, because you can afford to be with that guy. I mean the healthy mentality. I never think of the relationship before. Not really.

My entire life, its always the inactive party. The guy started. So I never never never thought about my life in which direction, and that motion already starting. Now I have time to think....so I will tell you as the normal girls, seeing these TV. Forget about it the guys in which name or frame, or mirror, or image. Try to stabilize your finance in your own hand, the Home Owner basic idea, and if you can rise up to the guys whom can afford both you and me. Why not? The more money you surrounded yourself by, its better for the girls side.

Don't go by those TV says. Those are meaningless.

Those arguments whom right or wrong, you are racing with the Time. There are a lot of things people don't tell you when they put you through that story, and sometimes think deeper than that. Not just wild guess, and you gamble your life away just like it suppose to "meant-to-be". A lot of the girls will personally tell you after they divorce, what are those "Meant-to-be", from their first failure marriage, at all. It can be anything. You just never be around those women, with the money, with the house, with the background to play those field with the guys. You never seeing them, that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Sometimes, you as a girl, for that independent spirits, not the extremelist, you need to stabilize your own money, your own purpose with what project you take on. You have no lean on, nothing for saying where these things going.

Your first intention are always to hurt the guys, by? Considering his background or your own background? You have to make that money yourself first. That is very hurtful what you imagine the guys are good at or for. Then you going back to those storyline its to argue, and one day you pick up something to hit the guys behind, that is how the death happened. You don't need to go back to that past, or anyone associate to that story plot. Just leave. They have no solid finance situation, all will be on the street in no time.

You hear me saying that too many hundred thousand times.

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