
The leadership is one thing...in any Science Team, in the Volleyball Team, in the Roller Blades club, in Classroom social event, in showing up, in conducting a survey, in communication, in the phone talking

You mean the strongest force of all, when you imagine what that each worlds supposed to sound like on "firing", the team efforts forward. You wish someone just mild to listen to what you say...a lot of this things, you don't need to be a leadership anymore, I already a Vice Captain? 

The rest just fitting in the team, and deliver the results. 

The 25 class Volleyball? You mean that same Age Class?

Its 25 classroom on the ground to compete til....one left. Its 1st category, 2nd category, 3rd category and the 4th category including this REAL Honor Class (Math Science Olympia)

They probably knew we have the volleyball team, whom are in it. Correct. They rehearsal on the common ground during the break. Its every single day, you are not inside the classroom studying or sleeping. Its on the field. ALL THE TIME.


If someone told me, that ex bf's ex gf is someone 叮噹?

Like how I register a girl's name from my school, the public relation? Me and 蚊子 are not together, saying...you mean the Captain or the Public relation from the boy's school? That is all the girl's side Captain and public relation they ever need to do? Opening up their mouth and talking to them, and convince we have an end of school performance.

How we ending up having a combine efforts towards the end, having a rehearsal crisis every degree of every club? Let me think...where was I. 


You all girls are trying to convince a guy looking at all your proposal combine efforts, which girls you all sending to, this public relation position?

Dress, talk, as if you ever talking to a guy discussing a group activity.

Not just the whistle to making the guy and the girls run on the chair social events to get to know each other. That is her job. She brought the group activities together with everyone in it. Both school.

If Holding up a microphone on the stage, or that IPad, no one sees behind....so difficult coming out of the voice, I seen more than that what kind of the girls, they really opening up the mouth, having the height too, to look like normal scene, when you opening up your mouth to.

Not out of the breath.


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