
The way how the fast pace world, don't require some cooking for some household. Some guys can afford to go outside to eat, and go to the fitness room with the girls you all doing that too. You pay the fitness room, and you train there.

The guys spent the money, so where you gonna find the guys going out to eat, and fitness room paying both annual fee?

I personally am a girl, I cannot do those fitness Tina Jojo those things, or Hailey with Adam, anything of that. Not even the money I will spend. I prefer just the girl I cannot do a thing, to hit a belt, to raise a heavy lifting things...the guys have a different hermone, the same muscle structure...if they don't jump, they cannot bear it.

I used to....one time told everyone in the TA offices. I want to get up the middle of night, like some sugar at night time, and I wish to run like 10 laps. The TA was a black lady, remember that?

I don't do a lot of the very strong forces things anymore. 

You like the guys to bring their couple friends, you talking to the girls or the guys on the table? I just tell you, I NEVER participate one single conversation whatsoever....NEVER.

That is how bad that Nick ex never had a life with anyone. Not friends, not their wife. One of them coming to the cottage house to build a house, remember that? That is 2 his children's friends from Italy. Not even Hallo Goodbye I ever open my mouth to talk.

I am so used to that kind, I don't care whom you are, what you are, as long as you are......

He goes to his happy kids reunion with his perfect ex-wife, there is not one day he never stop complain his ex-wife. One day I could just ear off, he doesn't exist in front of my ear on and on about his every ex-wife or girlfriend or daugther-in-law, as long as he disappear to go to those party. I made him some food when he get back. They normally have no food for him there. Imagine that.

I so wishing him just shut up !

You want to start to practice this conversation: To the guys "About your ex ....."

I never mention one word about his Past, I told him I don't care about his past. He can start open his mouth on and on to EVERY incidents of his past. oh my God.  Including his father and his mother. 

What do you think all the things ending up on the Victoria Secrets, its by memory they just show up there?

"Its when you gonna finish?"

You want to start with the conversation after 40 years old, "About your kids...."

Its the boys you like, or the girls you like? They are the toddler?

You eating the food in front of the old guy, which age? The same age, or older, or younger guy's friends circle? Their family member like Thanksgiving and Christmas? You all girls are so well rounded in life, you have a back up guys? From where? The bar, or the facebook?

You eat Tomato sauce?

You eat meat, chicken, shelfing eggs one week boxes or? 

You eat celery, nothing but chemical on top, to look that pretty....

You eat meat or vegan diet?

You chew with your mouth opens?


Pop cups? Ice?

I cannot possibly to even get one meal with any guy, to be honest, if not half of that he has to eating it down himself. You have to spend what now in America, per date? You meeting where, the wine bar? You telling your parents before you get out of the doors after the Friday work loads, or Weekend for a drink?

I haven't gone on dates like what....me and nick didn't met on the dates.

So you eating what...I think where Lee lives at, the front entrance, they have this sandwitch place in the basket with cheese in it + chips, and that is with a drink, now you pay at? Off campus price, per meal time? Or you get some cookies before the guy?

You eating together?

You ever avoid some food in front of any dated guy?

If I never be in my situation right now like 10 years ago, and never any of this in front of me right now, the guys.

I will tell you, the way how I understand certain thing, I would never go on a date with any guy just because the diet I had, or the washing things I had. I can only say "I have the allergy to eggs." And just move things out of the food in front of him. There are a lot of things I don't actually put inside my mouth, to say what is in front of me.

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