
Today weather looks so much nice the whole Christmas !!!!

Maybe nap a little bit, I can go out. So tight up this chair. 

You see how they walk through video? How the guy's motion? That means 4 limbs. When you sing, you close your mouth to deep breath, without the mouth open. You will feel more internal build up a few mins. 

But that the TV singing gesture, you know their 4 limbs at when you looking at them? Right, left, how you saying the tip end, the arm upper end? 

The elbow its when you bend, you has to bend in? Ever play the volleyball? If they look straight, they cannot see below, if they move right, they cannot lean on the left?

If they move their left arm, their focus cannot be on the right?

Understand? That is what you all want to talk about it?


x5  x 4 limbs

The lean weight = a force, that weight cannot be shift, when they are that giant.

The foot works are on the leather shoes, the sole behind.

Their eyes are looking below light up.

They cannot be on one thing, shift to another.

If a push from the place where they straight up their back, becasue they automatically looking it down or straight, if someone push them from the back chest behind upper, move their head goinig up to the sky light, their entire shifting attention its at the eyes, and they feel a little bit different, you have 1 second at their knee behind.

At the front, they landing at the ground exactly right.

Behind, they landing exactly below that stage.

You have to turn when you doing that.

They have to put so many people on the same line.

The torsal degree of the bones, are a torc force, meaning turning all around. Including your one arm, you never hold it tight turn 90 degree clock wise, or anti-clockwise. Sraight your arm, tie your fist. Then bend down on the rotation same. Except they doing that.....

They won't even see, or remember, that is what they did 20 years ago. 

No one saying they are any of them are left hand?

Everyone looking the things in front of them are all having a different definition, you know why it looks like that?!! They won't know that.

I never told you how bad Taipei public place 2017 on ....wards. They are not just blind, some are on purpose hit in. I never stop turning all around, trying to breath or live. Their population is giant in the city.

Not in America.

I think those you called that the Choreography in English. 

When those inept sick people seeking the healing process, those Quan Yin Methods, didn't follow their Master PER each and every instruction ought to be.

That's why....

They meant any Chinese or Indian history of 5000 years, to 100 year modern civilization, there is not one thing ought to be polite and learn it right, that is everyone attitude. Its high tech. True.  That loss of the evolution, its they say, they only seeking was healing, and they were not even doing it right, internally. Seeking healing was forbidden. But she let them. They didn't do it right.


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