
uh....what about we saying if one life means more, becoming 2 lifespan time, meaning 200 years, 300 years...we seeing that.

I might have a little bit different to relax mode, before I file the lawsuit, it didn't occur to me, to get the money, but then one day I seeing something on the TV Monitor, a case might be like what they did or do behind.

So I went to collect all the money I need, let's say step up. (All this are doing it before we get here, for my case. I am putting my efforts always on the money)

But let's say, someone might have a spiritual belief, to that life too relax, didn't file or thinking the resource how to file the lawsuit, may or may not gone through all that.....You saying as a girl, how far you willing to wish them well. From the kind reason, not necesssary your lifestyle you can make yourself more durable, longer year with the physical health, if that environment can be improve, so you putting more energy and efforts to the monitization.

The TV scripts say 3 3 10. 

You know how long is that, if someone's life can live that long? oh ~~ for me?!! How long will take me to focus on my brain to really getting far that 3 3 10, if I working here every day 24 hours? Then it will be I mean it, that is the TV assignment. I may not have to like the guys, just abide and sometimes the guys like them just mean the money, so I deliver only the TV meants it, your heart feel at ease. Being content to yourself, never bothering anyway, it was the reason you practice that meditation for?

Not the TV or movie assignment were never really why is, why not is? You wishing to deliver that, becasue Mahavatar Babaji shows up. I have seeing him now, but if I don't see him. I just look at the TV monitor, I just listen, or someone told me, anyone told me something, and I found out. Without the fame, or that Flower Thousand Bone TV. I just do what I need to put the things, get up and make it 3 3 10?

Whatever that sounds to you?

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