
Victoria Secret -Train, It means you needs a lot of diginity, how to travel to Indian joining their retreat (Mine is audio transcription radio device my mother bought me, a bagpack to India!)

What do you suppose to bring to Indian Retreat (like SMCH meditation retreat)

A backpack, and translation device (we used the radio to receive that message), many people has a reason why you going on your prayer to meditate for? Some wants to becoming the book author, or what is your prayer to ending manifestation.

That methods is called the SMCH, SMTV.

Do you want to tell the court, to express you unhappy how everything going so far, for that you already no clue direction in life. Can you request the court to introduce to the female authorship to visit their home, and have a talk with them, or the male authorship.

You say if the court can referral these interviews, for whatever reason they agree for you to go in these many people all together. The female authorship.

You want me to write for you to the court, your initial reaction on paper notice them 2 weeks?

One of those?

"Upon every disastrous consequence to that low performance to our life, the girls groups life, how each of us never say it was SMCH lineage methods for our prayers to keep a host on Top. As...that Asia or Michelle name in the black skin tones, its how we end up blacken every degree of that? Is that unit we suppose to make it, or is there anything that becoming someone replacing us, just with that kind of the attitude? Raising up Helen to that side dance = Middleton, she is not going to care her 3 kids, for behind its the mental condition, or? I reading the latest news paper on Harry's new book. I need the clarify without losing my dignity, this is Anna wrote it. I pass on it."

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