
Which Babaji is a guy, even Krishina is a guy. You ever think, a real hospital surgical process were?

I gone into it. You need a health insurance card, a mother that willing to seat there for you, with you, or else you walking home yourself?

You didn’t understand the life which is real?

When Lucy comes, I just have to get out? I have 2 cents the TV/ movies are too perfect, or I AM TOO LAZY?

It’s on Westlife 1999, there was a Lucy !!


If you know Westlife 10 years ago, why don’t you opening your mouth tell me or you just found out?

My brain or peripheral are everywhere else other than they are? You keep staring where, let me guess? Simon Cowell Iron man while I am at the Taiwanese local folktale never ends this Victoria Secrets, the TV formats?

You want to define how you convince your buyer which degree things you are staring at all day all night? If the newspaper tell you he is dead, just don’t linger on him follows exactly the newspaper meant ! Elvis daughter die in 54?

There are so many things, you don’t want to rule a brand new industry just like him ?

The style to that Westinghouse? It’s per territory counts. Meaning 194 country the liscensing nature? The artists and the movies they sell in that way !!

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