
You can just find out if the guy you are with its conditioned. You do not accept your life its too perfect at it. A lot of the normal guys are suicidal. I never say if they are all mel-function guys.

You educate people, you educate guys, you bring them comfer in their life. You just mean it to use the guys no matter what. I didn't know my ex has a condition nor my family. But not when I learn, or trying to understand, the first moment I find out, I get rid of all of them?

I don't think so it is not right you putting people down just the way you imagine things like that.  The UB has a lot of those tall guys. Very educated. Dr. T doesn't have the kid. Most intellect upper guy or the girl don't reproduce. They need to make it the money on wealth.  I never never never say I don't give out my UB those tall guys, or if their family are stable, or whatever reason...they looking for the girls. They just need to ask me. We were not in the bad term.  You are the type of very selfish, normal girls. You technically seeing the first meeting, its hating that person, no matter 

Whom they are

Where they from.

You hating them starting they are = guys formula. You hate the near by friends talking, the associate opening up their mouth. You never had a real social skill, or a real functioning basis, how to communicate to that one person, one company, one associate, any associate, any girl, or any guy. 

You mean it, its YOU alone are the greatest. Why don't you really ask me, what I think about any of you normal girl ?  Too perfect to be true. 

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