
You girls are not very refine, handy person. Meaning any art & crafts, remember the American store name? Joanna. Not in the Kitchen, not in the mind, not in the walking, not in swinging your entire body.

You have a pain, you always per monthly I don't know where you are.

You have an eating needed. How you wearing one make-up for one outting, that is one hour on the make-up and the hair? And you shower? The public bathroom in America is a lot more nicer....Taipei okay, not South?

I never stopping you, coming right in Taiwan, and get any guy you ever wanted. Do you know what you speak out of your mouth, eating manner, sitting posture, or what you talk about in your leisure time, and where you say you renting by the money you can count, or the occupation you imagine you getting? 

Funny, my family house is about few bus stop to 101, that is where every "Foriegn Company", a term to our Asia, most local kids wish to work has to speaking in English such as One Google.

How strange, that is their Good morning time seeing me on the Video, its Lunch by, afternoon tea by, I am right at their basement or that Zara, near by all the gifting shop they don't know the things sold in there? How funny...its just one elevator going up and down? Do you live in that kind of zone in America? 

Its the ABC cooking studio by at the 5th floor + one escalator separate

Its one man speaker so expensive shop or their body wash, its re-organizing box for the man saying those are the women gift bags. I say re-organized boxes!

There are a lot of things you imagine it is really really intuitive....really!

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