
You girls care about this how "Everyone" looking at your public appearance, the public presentation, the public image, the public performance, out of the breath for every tiny little things = too stressful

Its everyone jealous of you, compete with you, angry you, use you, calculative with you. Talking to your parents behind, talking to your dad or mom. So on so forth. You sit on this American Hollywood culture, not ever be some kind of traditional, washing, washing washing, and a little more tidy up with a girl's image, at all? Sit like sitting, stand to standing. eating or dining looks like you never starve to death. Drinking alcohol, like alcoholic? 

No one knows by now the entire human population on what is the Sailor Moon, Usagi quality on the Color Television rather than the Black and White Comic books? And? 

Under the current loud and sounds what's in front of you, its a career you keep imagining the big money like in a very short amount of time. Hollywood, or you mean the Boybands? I thought I say you like about them, you go near them because you "Fallen In Love" to them, whatever that  means to me, your truly love or hate them to the base line. So to this democracy of the overal world current situation, you are standing on your own, for your own strategy to all the revenue that filter to whomever's pocket.


Pack Order Shipping

Niches defining (Youtubers)


Sitesell / Digital format sale sale sale

Amazon / ebay/ Half.com

Inventory small capital parents business.


Among all this, someone sounds like never stop blah on to that internet is one stranger name Anna. She doesn't care where everyone extracting their money from; you really cared about how everyone extracting their money from. You hate them, you see them competition. You cannot seeing me competition because you don't really believe in it, any money of all that at all. You may not even seeing those diagram, or what things are being said, or being attacked to. You cannot tell any details things what the world really happening, because too many fine details, you didn't care a bit. 

You keep going back to the photo above those lists, because that is what you can see in front of you. How fast, How easy, How per week, its their money pouring, in your dream, soul, mind, you want an instant cash.

These getting worse, when the girls and the guys attention or attraction ends up on some of the celebrity, you really really need your cash FAST. No matter how Anna says are sounding too good to be true. You want your instant gratification instant manifest your God's gambling like the lotto so immediately to your current desperation. 

The look, the noise, the happiness, the getting out of the illusion, how to calm down yourself 1 full year no noise of envy, poison jealous to everyone seen on the television, you didn't start one step right in your life, for your life, to everyone all around life. You want to talk this to your parents, without me?



These guys are very very friendly to the camera all interviews.

At least that is why you and the rest of the humanity like about them. Love them, follow them. Do you read or listening to the exactly their lyrics, they are a pack on their own? (My photo above), that is what they will tell you, they mocking at you, when you = me Anna, if were....If you were me Anna, having nothing establish, most time the girls like you have a debts, they can sing their lung out the 40 years, and everything goes wrong with that girl. You know what I mean?

Having no money = no debts that is one thing.

Having no money to where no career, that is another thing.

Having no money to where piles of stuffs to coming in, to where revenue you say the laws stop it, that is also another thing.

To really planning out your too perfect, MY too perfect what plan, you don't carry what language to even sit property on any piece of paper, the law proceeding to sound like a proper human, stand, sit, confident in.... I really don't give a dime whom they are, what they are, what money they say enough inside their own pocket in combination in Total. You want to try to re-write their singing song in thousand times? They might know where they end up singing in the very end of the next 5 to 10 years saying the competition were their company personel combine, production company, managers, staffs combine in total, you saying if you marrying, its one you against the entire enemy. So you truly unhappy about it? How funny.....someone defining to me a marriage proposal coming out of your mouth. That is when someone trying to imagine things, how many times I am saying that?

Understand you mix up wrong the reality, to how you flattening loving them. You mix up your personality or you one human alone, making my way to the very Top. You didn't carry that confidence, and you didn't spell one strange plan, no matter how Ten direciton means the religion nature, or 8 fold path, something on the piece of paper would have make them feel their throat on the neck its an instant gratification like you as a girl having a character or a personality, like you all saying it.....too plain is dullful.  (doubtful)

Try to secure some pension first. Meaning the plain money, no family inherited business or money or background.

These ALL boyband happy for you, past, present or the future new ones.

That is trying to secure a what pension? You could have 2 career when you pursuing which governmental jobs, or military that ends up in the pension? Like nick TTC? 

Did I say the boyband are truely happy for you, you didn't listen a word I said yesterday. Because you ending up one pension were you calculative enough after 65 years old, you wishing there are part of the other saving like 401 K? Not just the pension, you divide to how many years to live, but you didn't notice the old age has a hip operation or too many full heart open surgery. You understand me? That is not a curse, that is the humanity Samsara. Pain and disease.

You are not on the first step as the most minimum, mature personality or character you seeing yourself walking in those 9-5 governmental city clerk offices jobs? Finding a small business name registry? And? You seeing these officers, they have to bind to their chair 9-5, never this internet the instant gratification.

You want me to remind you again....what these boyband means to you?

The instant gratification means, not the instant cash flows says? You want to stand tall in front of them before you seeing them or looking at them, or even knowing them behind your back? Like you are too unhappy to your current life in Taiwan facing America. Do you look at the map, to imagine the real scene? Its behind my back when I am facing this UB entire crowd coming it down, stuck at the Bermuda Triangle, and what does this mean that Dean went to Taxes? I asking the geography human department, never that too useful Prince William to spell where is Texas Austin at?

10 years pass ...you know how they were amazing, or how they will just leave me a random note "How amazing, wishing you all well the next 50 years without bothering us" on the kitchen counter table?



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