
You see, how the gold in front of you, just disappeared.....Golden snatch. Snowden saying it well.

Believing it. What the world can ever be born in such states...its God will forever exist.  Those are the exactly a type of human called "The Gambler", nature. 

True to tale, and make a public to sound. 

Heart cut its not a thing, the manly Y. 

But then, its the front gate to that bags of bags...means, the so many on later, was you saying the investment were never reachable, if 1+1 will always be 2, just by how saying it to sound Amazing right on.


Someone could pull of that jobs, you wonder whom might be so big of shot!


What? No No? Westlife? 

What? Ear? Ear?

What? NSYNC roaches dance, you do too, Meaning arm swing back back....


Its one time, two time, three time.....you could count, right?

What I say could stand true, for how long??


Two of you, then if two of us.....

How far the distance just keep missing it, the part of thy Self.


Everything its the Original Creator. oh ~~~ not the reincarnation tale, last Era, the patent holder per counting life treading mill. 

See how far the public stands, its how far you willing to stay stand !

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