
You see that Middleton, that games of the seizing power were over 10 years ago.....they were still the high school sweet heart seventeens...in love air the birds, right?

Many people in the many norms, requires how the approval, like that Anna Kendrick to that Bashar looking....while I am comfortable inside my chair just doing this 2 hands writing, because one Middleton isn't a thing, you see? How I capable to walking out laws to that fine lines saying a word, whichever this her big mouth capable....there is a lot of great scene will truly becoming the Truely seen when those video like Ronan saying very very little, got it?

I never care why human worlds doesn't get me a mood, why any popularity were starting at Zero, remember yourself SMCH? That degree of confidence to that forever lasting future, what....this Loving the Silent, or the Tear, its between those ET or my brain, to that they knew me, or I know them...but you all so daring to that fame to the human heart, the important things don't do, the money sign don't glue on, and to all that skills lacking, saying no High Tech detect per thought stream, or per skills required in the vocal.....

Its funny, how the life ends on your skins, to that every public showing air, its how your followers make a conclusion with all those SMTV ABC or the whites, how they the guys or the girls believing it.....the Rising from the East, it will NEVER starting at the Communism to that history, you meant,....you born wrong, you born short, your birthday wrong, your delicate all wrong, running in and out, your entire life per second per decision wrong...how far you want to get going keep wrong ? The Vietnamese little nun? 

Try to make one useful claim to the legal court, how they will capable in the human will power, to saving you against someone like me...in the end of this One Life Contract form. Whatever you imagine real or not real that Bible daring at it.

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