
You want me to tie your ice skating shoes?

What’s wrong with the good or bad attitude the way I am?

You are too perfect to be true ! When someone smash someone’s back every degree skeleton back muscle your guy or brother doesn’t be nake let you see how far down the muscles yours are completely disable at two lines crossing waist and thigh, these entire region one million girls to adult women, guess if you all UB diligent per fat girl helping to collect a group thin girls doing nothing but liberating the sentient beings …nothing but copy paste, called the real decency too perfect faces like me !

You never think how miracle will ever happens ! 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰

You checking your own photo attitude with the guys or you checking yourself in the photo? Too perfect to be true? Do you know what’s the post this I say? Tie your ice skating shoes lace bothering you?

You are not sure where your eyes see, not sure your 2 hands tie tie tie tie that shoes. You are giggling next by whom, you are not sure it’s too cold. 

When you are 60 years old, like 62 years old if lost jobs, you need 3 years earlier to get 65 money. All these old people cleaning the floor are illusion, your hands are shaking every step the way. You don’t have any work. 

I am telling you per degree you might be one day skin touch your another girl or guys you just fallen in love by holding each other’s girls friends hands- perfect paradise. You can yell at your mother never stop updating your life to, “let me see your back nake muscle” see if she gives you that chance ! You don’t want to learn a thing, yyyyyeeeeeel.

These 2 lines session starting at the waist line is a landmark to thigh. Including the thigh, my entire left side screaming !! In PAIN ! With all these birds ~~

The crossing session didn’t including the kidney and adrenal line, you know where they are?

Not saying you could see the vertical side line muscle per strip. You have no other ways doing this !! Period !! Per muscle you learn at yourself, a guy like my ex just coming south to UB you all 10 girls friends yourself he align that pressure ligment, you gonna feel it? He is God or I am too good to be true?

On your back pelvic entire region, you only touch touch touch per pelvic plaque big back bone, you want to lesson pain ! I only let him try once. I never ask him again ? In case he is not comfortably doing THAt ! Your age til when you be dead period it’s every month you scream. You hear what I say or not, your throat  on the wall, like I care how you feeling it at all. 

The guys cannot relate, think, known too polite to be true. They only staying in the guys worlds they used to hear the girls have the period pain, but you are doing that every month? They cannot understand what is a cramp, nor how can you be that difficult pain without finding a help if they were you to be honest? They WILL NEVER FIND OUT!

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