
Your American are the worsen human nature of all kinds - meaning you must deliver God's jobs, as how to 194 country to that equality, lawful, democracy here there go, to every basic human right.

They did mean real.

But you girls didn't have to give up the guys, right now, that choice means you wish to have an independent living forever without the guys, they really really really bothering you present, and you don't want to cook, wash, or what the home chore.

When you are in Taiwan, you realize that is everything if were staying here are a more stablize, like your parents putting you here a property, you grab the key, and someone introducing you a job, and you stabilize anything just...someone telling you what to do. 

I technically wishing you would consider the guys, learn the things they wish to go about. Not necessary has to be the missionary jobs. Unless its really your vowing that two cents like Lalla's University course works. Stop growing tall.

If that is really really you make a very heavy, concentrating vow. The Concentrating meaning your mind, body, soul, the mood, you knew it, you know it, you really really believing that one road in the future MUST

MUST abide

Must Obey

Must Truly, Dearly, Must be, or else hell, those kinds to stop the growth.

If you did make that kinds of the vow, meaning heavy concentrating, yeah, you should try to deliver your every soul why that happened. But I highly doubts your concentration of the mind anything near the guy's mind. When it comes to that...whispering, unstable mind, unstable weavering, panicking, unsure, uneasy, not knowing, fear, not calm.

The vow that makes during the calm, or no fear, or pure, or consciousness base. Those are the real vow. 

You see if you want to walking back to the guy's world in America, deliver 4 stoves.

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