
Being with a guy not a bunch of the girls...not in thinking, not in uttering words, not in killing methods you are to die in every degree...I am sure you meant the guys real or not real saying or without saying, really.

Every guys say they agreeing with all of you, all the time. How come the day I woke up.....for I never had this American dating culture to find out, the guys never really meant it = its the forever American culture or that European culture = insurance guys only methods to ship you all to the Turkish airline. 

So interesting I can keep saying that to the legal court of every kinds of the human exist so publicly. 

You all so sure about the guys saying things inside your brain. I got that.

I told Ronan them all the same things. I assuming, that is 100% I assume. Correct. But I assume, right. Its an assumption. But its 100%. Because you all girls are emitting. They are not evolving to know how that feel to stagment in the air for a momentarily stumble. You will feel it what you really did to others one day. Or they will.

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