
Cooking some utensil are heavy, you girls are not those selfless doing the lazy human does things? Watch your own wrist? Casserole, what kinds? That is a man on that youtube....


You want to start again this one girl living alone, best scenario other than that snack on your sofa, to staring at the LED flat screen at no light living room? Small tiny apartment? You need to have a job, that you counting on renting that personal space...

1) You don't forget your car key

2) House key

3) Fire stove

4) Drive the car away to go to work 9-5

How many years, like 20 years on that same jobs, so you never imagine having a saving, or a home, just holiday coming home to see your parents.

Do you plan your life at all? 

A monthly plan on your cell phone its a family plan? Buying the charger if not the car charger, where you leave it at?

Your math on 

1) Electricity Bill

2) Water bill / Trash Bill

3) Heating Bill

4) Cable + the Internet

5) Gas money

6) Rental, or leasing the car / Car insurance


I am trying to explain to you, your Congress or the combine that the military reporting to them, that migrant ending up this First life and End life to this Bible....what a karma, I am telling you where that ceiling debts coming from?

Your accidental insurance inside your own home

Saving the time to cook, because your grocery are too far away.

Some human will show up that time, whichever time frame, we will think about. I am not thinking about it right now. However that sounds like ....

You girls are everywhere on that Math, and like yesterday I was talking to Ola, or Dean. Not really anything why you all girls might exist, and you are foggy at your brain, or mind space to that sitting down Math?

And, you get nervous? How none-compassionate, I ever to be.....

Math means, let me guess

None of those numbers are uniform digits, and combine that 7 or 9 to that second digits, are just too lazy to lay down the sofa to look straight up your vision issue to your phone and eat something inside your mouth.

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