
Do they tell you, even just without the lawsuit if I process the video as I should, whatever the points I bring out, exactly the last 2 weeks. They pay me the money? Without the lawsuit?

Its to clear things in the massive scale? 

Behind. Nothing at the public sight. Its all behind. Why don't you focus, truly focus the improvement of that quality life means in the Western World. They have everything? None of those things you call it a job. Not really. To me,...I sit there 10 years imagining, those wasteful jobs. I never start a thing 10 years, make 17 years....not one day I wasting my energy on every waste jobs.

You don't know how to define what is a waste job

or you mean you never seen that Smallville 20 years ago, on one Lionel Luthur. In that Smallville scene, everyone knows whom that Lionel Luthur. Funny scene in every story scene now.   The Ireland doesn't know....imagine all American land whom doesn't know Lionel Luthur.

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