
Don't talk to me how beauty you are, all that garbage. 4 Stove means somewhat you survive on your own.

There is a lot of the wrong things you imagine inside your brain. Seriously.

No debts, on time and on math.

Not commodity just your eye sight meaning, you are careful on your per person livelihood, imagine you wish to take care of another person, or he comes with the package? You didn't mean to be with that guy or that person. You mean his entire garbage packs

Okay, how about just the Home Owner Manual, you will have to get out of your parents custody, and paying more than that rents, or else? Its the rental property.

You need to learn a lot of things inside a home. The water heator meaning your bathing water has to constantly on the battery, my mother and I? So year after year you hear about it? What does it look like the battery? 

The floor top we are the roofy? Meaning? There are the water situation if? Someone breaks the pipeline?

My dryer and washer my mother hook it, how does that use? She didn't specify, something I am totally not clear?

There is kitchen I need to washing it, what about the peeling things? We find the filling, or paint, so she carried those paint in the middle of the road, next by me, in front of me, the entire road repainted? White paints? I just stand next by, not to talk out of my mouth anything?

💝🥭🥭🥭🥭🥭🥐🍕 💝🥭🥭🥭🥭🥭🥐🍕 💝🥭🥭🥭🥭🥭🥐🍕

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