
European they close the shop early, they have the break in between the afternoon tea time.

Meaning nothing to do, so living longevity to say less stress at.

Seeing it all over Ronan's all you girls can buddy together appearance with a flower crown on Top. Similar to that Ancient Chasez book story...how singing bug or the elf, never require a business attire, that is a living paradise in just enough is enough living expense, or else those unifying church will nothing but populate the praying girls on kneeling on the ground where the life has no exit to find.

Their brain losing their praying trendy, or IQ on line and square. and to that every body shape to lose it for disease, how soon that infest nature, its ended up in cold 4 limbs, every single day that is the women becoming chronical.

You see, these types of the homeo paper, its belonging to Medical Board?

Really? The American Medical Board?  That instant gratification or instant manifestation how far that lasting nature its always staying inside the water its the only means,

Yeah? Until the Medical equipment arrive, you mean like the high tech material science?


Praying to God and kneel, with your cards to swipe, you always check the manufacture I am sure..... Its on your dental light any patient sees? Straight up?

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