
Gravity - (Your entire NASA homeworks, Again! )

You have those ice skating a rope stretching to turn your right or left side, ever seen it?



The horizontal belt you seen those? Those are not the gravity, the landing at the beginning that is the gravity. They have a pre-knock on the ice, to jump higher. Your entire weight its the gravity bound. 

Re-write Aladdin those songs?

The harden surface when your weight landing it down on the ice, you fall ever? And? That hitting back right at your skeleton, the exactly your weight force back. Newton which law?


You rise high your legs +???

The shoe's weight,


You trying to write me a reason of anything that sounds logic to that gravity, everything you see, hear, know, with those formula. What formula?


We are still on the gravity, til when we finish it?  The car tier has friction to the curve of that pavement road. Explain to me, what is the pavement road substance are made, and how do they design a road at all? Up to the mountain or the material science, when you pour the??? and then Sun evaporate when its hot? It melt?


Try to find me some paper you ingrain inside your brain what is this Physic you keep re-write. 



At equator the noon time the Sun gravity stay, the Earth vanish, you will be drawn to the Sun, landing upside down. Explain.


In between the planets, there is any gravity? For saying the orbits, including the satelite or the artificial satellites, each explain

Re-write, that is 3 things in the discussion of any season reason with it.

When things coming down because the Earth has the atmosphere and the noon don't....you bare eye sight could see, that is when you define "things fallen from the sky", not "Heave", as the Bible saying? The End of time chapter. 

Define or re-write, I really don't care about it.

In this historical wall, or something native, has a chariot similar to Zawanna those seeing things, you saying vehicle, you saying UFO, you saying something flying saucer. Against the gravity, so they flow? You ever flying in the wind? How cold with the wind speed your weather channel, its called the wind shield on your car.

To that Buffalo New York Erie County, 5 Lake, its the 5 Lakes Effect.

You gonna try again this UB 4 Blocks, looks like you know what is the weather channel app, the 4 blocks UB freezing point, or what is this Lake Effect Snow or Wind?

On the Ground, not on the SKY?

Re-write!  See you next spring?


My money, your next spring, feeling anything better? When did you New Year Resolution to be that Shane guys at the opening? Really? How I never knew.....which field? 10 rudimentary subjects lines? Try again? 

Bye ~~~~

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