
He sexs people, I say to you all already. Its a real sexual harrassment. I prefer he is out of my life, for real.

He may or may not give you money, so that is the sexual harassment, and he likes more like those Andrew whom has the money and the family background business. You are just younger with the skin tones tiny bit lasting than those passing time gone. And apparently you all have no reservation, reserve to safeguard yourself.

You need mentor, you need tears, you need...protection. People like him can get away if he truely dump you. I don't really seeing it clearly if he has any news someone coming forward he really dump them horribly, like die on the street.

Zawanna meant me dump you all on the street and die literally. I follow. That is what I will tell Simon too. If he asked me why, I will tell him. He doesn't need a lawyer to ask me. 

Or Shane shows up, he asked me. Because Shane somewhat he does these loosen women might just have tiny sense, I don't want that Simon to get near so he safeguard this Westlife interest if he is on that part. 

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