Hi Shane, Good morning ! I what? ....Ronan he is a journalist, and I can submit from you here too? How to Stop Ukraine and Russian War? Yeah. You can also use my last video on the CNBC, saying there is a wave people are going to return their Home, by your video. You saying the court might already done that since Legally Blonde. That Intern movie on Simon's house disappear things, Eben and Craig. You can say Anna's side UB MD 6+1 might stay that one life time being train to finish studying MCAT or double major they used to do 20 years ago, or including that Dr. T office, the first step wrong on the honor class means. Then you saying but that entire set-up has a reason, its to moving everyone towards West. You can say my yesterday lawsuit, to where the backstreet boy that unlimited ceiling debts. If that passing through, you saying, it is similar "where I will always be found" by American life after life born. You say that might be one of those superstitious department. They do those things. The American any side. So, you saying....because Russia splits on the Top, one side its at Japanese Currency Time. You know that right? You saying what we can really do, its not for that North Korea kid to provoking China or Russia, my age that guy in the Kenshin Himura, you say his sister came out on the news, when he was not doing it very good. Gaining too much weight. You say China did succeed continue the Olympia after Japan during COVID 19. We cannot really stop the war in that sense, but you can say, that continuetion of the talk, through the diplomatic relation are on the constantly check up and in progress. Yeah, you can use anything I have said to Ronan. I wasn't sure how you incorperate at the War Zone? Anderson Coopers those?
If that cannot do, I have one personal account, meaning the civilian side. You say I Anna found a war MD donation groups right at the Taipei Station where by those donation money, they sent the doctors in the war zones from Taiwan. They were in the Station at one of those booth they set up themselves. I went to tell them about the SMTV, they have those, never get paid MD, they volunteered to go there. They pay their MD. Meaning it is the money transaction there. They sent in the doctors and the nurses. But SMCH she has this full magazine, they doing that for 30 years on the refugee issues, when we go to cooking and standing there distributing the big groups food. Its very common in our meditation retreat. Except we doing it outside inside the tent. They put those people under a big tent, like last time the Syria refugee I was on the road? Califoirnia, remember? NSYNC Christmas? They are having those Syrian, kids, women, man all having a backpacks, they just stepping all over there. My argument were that their per foot weight rotate my Earth, I have a comet issue. Not that time I submit, one of those near time. Which one you wish to use the excuse? All these stuffs, probably the first point I tell Ronan....the gun powder stop the war only for 2 or 3 days check up? It is not a long time methods. Every 2 days stopping the war. One of those.

Or Shane, in case you can say that, last time I did that Real Love things, Ukraine its right in front of Russia, that is their front gate road. I did to that Astor 1234 Under the Roof Edge 愛在屋簷下 the song I sing, and that one day I did these photo shooting. The song in 2021 and the incident how these photo came that day. Its right outside. You can mean that is right outside the Earth sphere, we have a breach to the Constitution right on my mother's hat. Victoria Secret. ...or I am on the Passport 27, or the hybrid statue mix with dragon, that is against the constitution. The mortality or the longevity issue in 3 3 10 (Eternal Love) The China TV by Mark Chao.

And this photo. That time I need to stop this Real Love things. Immediately I have to Stop that. You can see if one of the Flower Thousand Bone, that women gone to extract from all over the String tight up boundary in that palace, she found a birth stone. Or the birth certificate.

Flower Thousand Bones Episode 19, did you tell me on the newspaper your???? 19 years? That is Loving the Silent Tear (SMCH) behind that DVD, 19 anniversary years celebration to Ching Hai Day. 19 anni versa (car America, I think its Nissan Versa. I have the Nissan Altima, ry, rye bread without e? )
You need to called Prince William on my brithday 4:16, they saying a
憫生劍, by now he knows his own plots already, the entire script.
Or You Shane can say, they give England 2 days time on all this COVID 19 post time, the entire sea cotainment shipment are all stuck at the sea porter, no one receiving the mails. Why? My vegan restaurant here, cannot ship in those vegan Diaya Cheese for Mcronni Cheese, one of those? My mother is a vegan. But the entire England shipment are on the news. I don't know if they finishing those air package, you saying that including the pilot aviation during this anti-Elnino this winter has a bad weather, so the commericial flight all this mail box to receive the goods, are stuck. If they just ensure certain shipment container are all open and distribute, including the air-traffic jam to kinds of re-sume some what the normality, not just the entire Europe are in a mess after COVID 19, you guys are all on the news here. You did. The Sea portal, the sea piers. Every container are all sitting in those boxes. They do not go in-land.
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