
Hiep gets shaken like that, when nick put her down. Which guy? Or me all the time anyway.

Your image surface. You wearing the eye glasses. 

Danny dead on the television from the Hollywood, its right next by the Uncle JC. He married to Becky, that name is Rebecca, she is a big Britney's height.

I really don't know where that Adam went once he gets that movie on. But....

The movie: The One for the Money, there is no such Big Britney I ever met. The one near a priest name Keith and his gf, or wife looks like Lalla short hair, at the beginning of that Victoria Secrets. He lives in the trailer. When she was a girlfriend. 

She slept over in the school as the teacher to a guy name Derrick. Madrical where me and Martin sitting very ....edgy I guess. That me and Martin never really talk, but that doesn't mean, we don't know whom these people were. 

Derrick is next by Young. 

Imagine, me and Martin on that 4 seating madrical rows.

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We both freeze. Very often by now. 

The middle west they are barbarian or something.  

Martin is from German, often studies in his own room. I usually don't talk much.  The EF. I think he knows Adam. Adam knows Sammy, when we were together, that is when Sammy came. I highly doubt Martin has anything to say about that Adam, but he was the year before. When Sammy came....

This time when I end up in Europe, I am sure....that Sammy won't shut up talking.

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