
Hollywood are all clusters themselves in that mountain Hill... Sometimes as a girl, you could go and knocking on the door !

Saying Hi! 

Some guys ....when they partake some reason why their intent other than the family or the family business, some topics like how you betterment yourself, how you perceiving your charity, your concept in a grander reason where you going forward. Some has this business talk behind, including like those Twin girls have a make-up fashion line up products, how they marketing to producing the income, so on so forth.

Me and Ronan haven't talk about those Pinterest yet...one of those.

For example, I will blog on right to the www saying, how you getting a business name, how you talk to the bank manager, those things in front of it? Yeah, every step the way, and you seeing the guys how they comment or they can come accompany you to go and doing things?  

Including I was soaking in the rain, one those Westlife says? I need to get something I called over there is the Dragon King Palace under the water region. I forget why. But that is where, laying out 1 -10, then 5, then SMCH side. There is a piglet story on the red brick floor (how you contruct the house, the children literacy)

I don't really have a full opening up business, something to hide? If just meaning you going from route A to route B? Sometimes the guys want to hear the methodity, so sometimes you just directly telling them. I was being honest, not really there is anything business idea.

But if applying to your conversation with the guys, they will love to hear how the money being formulate there?

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